

Name muvsfunc
Identifier muvsfunc
Type PyScript
Category Collection
Description Muonium's VapourSynth functions
Has GPU-Support? no
Links Github


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Version Published Download
git:12ca5e0 2022-02-12 script
git:678eb8e 2022-02-06 script
git:e479aaa 2022-01-01 script
git:e83b213 2021-12-17 script
git:64fb1cc 2021-12-06 script


  • havsfunc
  • mvsfunc
  • fmtconv
  • com.holywu.eedi2
  • com.deinterlace.nnedi3
  • com.nodame.mvtools
  • com.mio.sangnom
  • com.holywu.tcanny
  • com.nodame.awarpsharp2
  • com.holywu.dfttest
  • com.holywu.vsfilter
  • com.holywu.vsfiltermod
  • com.invalid.identifier.bilateral
  • com.nodame.median
  • com.holywu.ctmf
  • com.nodame.histogram


Bit Depth Color Space Category Description
LDMerge 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Merges two filtered clips based on the gradient direction map from a source clip.
Compare 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG unknown Visualizes the difference between the source clip and filtered clip
Compare2 any any unknown Compares the formats of two clips.
ExInpand 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown A filter to simplify the calls of std.Maximum()/std.Minimum() and their concatenation.
InDeflate 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown A filter to simplify the calls of std.Inflate()/std.Deflate() and their concatenation.
MultiRemoveGrain 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Denoising A filter to simplify the calls of rgvs.RemoveGrain().
GradFun3 8-16 int YUV, GRAY, YCOCG Debanding Internal calculation precision is always 16 bits. In this function I try to keep the original look of GradFun3 in Avisynth. It should be better to use Frechdachs's GradFun3 in his
AnimeMask 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Masking and Edge Detecting Generates edge/ringing mask for anime based on gradient operator. For Anime's ringing mask, it's recommended to set 'shift' between 0.5 to 1.0.
AnimeMask2 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Masking and Edge Detecting Yet another filter to generate edge/ringing mask for anime. More specifically, it's an approximate Difference of Gaussians filter based on resampling kernel.
PolygonExInpand 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG unknown Processes mask based on resampling.
Luma 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG unknown std.Lut() implementation of Luma() in Histogram() filter.
ediaa 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Anti-aliasing -
nnedi3aa 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Anti-aliasing -
maa 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing with edge masking by martino, mask using 'sobel' taken from Kintaro's useless filterscripts and modded by thetoof for spline36
SharpAAMcmod 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Anti-aliasing High quality MoComped AntiAliasing script. Also a line darkener since it uses edge masking to apply tweakable warp-sharpening, 'normal' sharpening and line darkening with optional temporal stabilization of these edges. Part of AnimeIVTC.
TEdge 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Masking and Edge Detecting Detects edge using TEdgeMask(type=2)
Sort 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Simple filter to get nth largeest value in 3x3 neighbourhood.
Soothe_mod 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Denoising Modified Soothe()
TemporalSoften 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Denoising TemporalSoften filter without thresholding using Miscellaneous filter. There will be slight difference in result compare to havsfunc.TemporalSoften().
FixTelecinedFades 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Inverse Telecine The main algorithm was proposed by feisty2 ( The filter gives a mathematically perfect solution to such (fades were done AFTER telecine which made a picture perfect IVTC pretty much impossible) problem. Goodbye vinverse.
TCannyHelper 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Masking and Edge Detecting A helper function for tcanny.TCanny(mode=0). Strong edge detected by 't_h' will be highlighted in white, and weak edge detected by 't_l' will be highlighted in gray.
MergeChroma 8-16 int / 32 float YUV, YCOCG unknown A function that merges the chroma from one videoclip into another. Ported from Avisynth's equivalent. There is an optional weighting, so a percentage between the two clips can be specified.
firniture 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Resizing and Format Conversion 5 new interpolation kernels (via fmtconv). Proposed by *.mp4 guy (
BoxFilter 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Denoising Performs a box filtering on the input clip. Box filtering consists in averaging all the pixels in a square area whose center is the output pixel. You can approximate a large gaussian filtering by cascading a few box filters.
SmoothGrad 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Color/Levels SmoothGrad smooths the low gradients or flat areas of a 16-bit clip. It proceeds by applying a huge blur filter and comparing the result with the input data for each pixel. If the difference is below the specified threshold, the filtered version is taken into account, otherwise the input pixel remains unchanged.
DeFilter Depends on function used Depends on function used unknown Zero-order reverse filter (arXiv:1704.04037)
ColorBarsHD any any Source/Output Avisynth's ColorBarsHD(). It produces a video clip containing SMPTE color bars (Rec. ITU-R BT.709 / arib std b28 v1.0) scaled to any image size. By default, a 1288×720, YV24, TV range, 29.97 fps, 1 frame clip is produced.
SeeSaw 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Sharpening -
SeeSaw_sharpen2 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Sharpening Modified sharpening function from SeeSaw(). Only the first plane (luma) will be processed.
SeeSaw_SootheSS 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Denoising Soothe() function to stabilze sharpening from SeeSaw(). Only the first plane (luma) will be processed.
abcxyz 8-16 int GRAY, YUV Dehaloing Avisynth's abcxyz(). Reduces halo artifacts that can occur when sharpening.
Sharpen 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Sharpening Avisynth's internel filter Sharpen(). Simple 3x3-kernel sharpening filter.
Blur 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Denoising Avisynth's internel filter Blur(). Simple 3x3-kernel blurring filter. In fact Blur(n) is just an alias for Sharpen(-n).
BlindDeHalo3 8-16 int GRAY, YUV Dehaloing This script removes the light & dark halos from too strong 'Edge Enhancement'.
dfttestMC 8-16 int GRAY, YUV420, YUV422, YUV440, YUV444 Denoising Avisynth's dfttestMC. Motion-compensated dfttest
TurnLeft any GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Avisynth's internel function TurnLeft()
TurnRight any GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Avisynth's internel function TurnRight()
BalanceBorders unknown unknown Borders and Cropping Avisynth's BalanceBorders() Version: v0.2, Author: PL (
DisplayHistogram unknown unknown Metrics and Analysis A simple function to display the histogram of an image.
GuidedFilter 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Denoising fast edge-preserving smoothing algorithm. The guided filter computes the filtering output by considering the content of a guidance image. It can be used as an edge-preserving smoothing operator like the popular bilateral filter, but it has better behaviors near edges.
GuidedFilterColor 8-16 int / 32 float Input: GRAY, Guidance: YUV444/RGB Denoising fast edge-preserving smoothing algorithm using a color image as the guidance. A color guidance image can better preserve the edges that are not distinguishable in gray-scale.
GMSD 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Metrics and Analysis Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation Calculator. GMSD is a new effective and efficient image quality assessment (IQA) model, which utilizes the pixel-wise gradient magnitude similarity (GMS) between the reference and distorted images combined with standard deviation of the GMS map to predict perceptual image quality.
SSIM 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Metrics and Analysis The Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index is a method for measuring the similarity between two images. It is based on the hypothesis that the HVS is highly adapted for extracting structural information, which compares local patterns of pixel intensities that have been normalized for luminance and contrast.
IQA_downsample 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Resizing and Format Conversion Downsampler for image quality assessment model.
SSIM_downsample 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Resizing and Format Conversion SSIM downsampler is an image downscaling technique that aims to optimize for the perceptual quality of the downscaled results. Image downscaling is considered as an optimization problem where the difference between the input and output images is measured using famous Structural SIMilarity (SSIM)
LocalStatisticsMatching unknown unknown unknown Match the local statistics (mean, variance) of 'src' with 'ref'.
LocalStatistics unknown unknown unknown The local mean and variance will be returned.
TextSub16 8-16 int unknown Subtitles Generate mask in YUV and use it to mask high-precision subtitles overlayed in RGB.
TMinBlur 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Thresholded MinBlur. Use another MinBlur with larger radius to guide the smoothing effect of current MinBlur.
mdering 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Deringing/Edge cleaning A simple light and bright DCT ringing remover
BMAFilter 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Edge-aware BMA filter is a family of edge-aware filters proposed based on optimal parameter estimation and Bayesian model averaging (BMA).
LLSURE 8-16 int / 32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG unknown Local Linear SURE-Based Edge-Preserving Image Filtering
YAHRmod 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Dehaloing Modded YAHR with better texture preserving property
RandomInterleave any any unknown Returns a clip with the frames from all clips randomly interleaved. Useful for a blinded-experiment.
super_resolution unknown unknown unknown Use MXNet to accelerated Image-Processing in VapourSynth using a C++ interface
fade 8-16 int / 16-32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB Effects and Transitions Fade-in/out effect implementation
MDSI unknown RGB Metrics and Analysis MDSI (Mean Deviation Similarity Index) is a full reference IQA model that utilize gradient similarity (GS), chromaticity similarity (CS), and deviation pooling (DP). The lowerer the MDSI score, the higher the image perceptual quality.
MaskedLimitFilter 8-16 int / 16-32 float GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Other -
PoissonMaskedMerge unknown unknown unknown Poisson editing, a.k.a. gradient-based image processing, directly edits the gradient of images to perform useful operations. Seamless cloning allows one to copy an object from an image, and paste it to another image that looks seamless and natural.
multi_scale unknown unknown Other A decorator that "multi-scale" a given function. Note that the resulting function may be significantly different from its single-scale counterpart.
avg_decimate 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, RGB, YCOCG Inverse Telecine Averaging-based decimation filter, which averages duplicates frames before drops one in every cycle frames.
YAHRmask 8-16 int GRAY, YUV, YCOCG Masking and Edge Detecting -
Cdeblend unknown GRAY, YUV, YCOCG unknown A simple blend replacing function like unblend or removeblend. Ported from Cdeblend v1.1b (
S_BoxFilter unknown unknown unknown Side window box filter is a local edge-preserving filter that is derived from conventional box filter and side window filtering technique.
VFRSplice any any Frame Rate Conversion -
resize unknown unknown Resizing and Format Conversion Experimental wrapper function for vszimg resizer in a fmtconv-like API
MSR 16-32 float unknown unknown Multiscale retinex is a local contrast enhancement algorithm, which could be useful as a pre-processing step for texture detection.
getnative unknown unknown Metrics and Analysis -