Welcome to vsdb.top - All your VapourSynth Plugins in one place! beta version

Most of them are also available via the VSRepo plugin manager. For more details visit vsrepo - doom9 and Github.

If you have questions or suggestions, visit this forum thread vsdb - doom9.

Name type Namespace Description Category GPU Published Links
fvsfunc import fvsfunc as fvf Small collection of VapourSynth functions. Most are simple wrappers or ports of AviSynth functions. Collection 2021-08-03 Github
ASTDR ASTDR ASTDR is a derainbow function. ASTDRmc performs motion compensation before calling ASTDR. Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2020-07-30 Github | AvsWiki
Vine Vine Vine is a collection of a block/pixel matching based de-halo filter and a set of morphological filters. Dehaloing 2017-03-18 Github | Doom9
vsTAAmbk import vsTAAmbk as taa An Anti-aliasing script ported from Avisynth. For more details NMM-HD: https://www.nmm-hd.org/newbbs/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1666 Anti-aliasing 2018-05-11 Github
G41Fun G41Fun Most functions are ported from Avisynth, many of them are modified from existing ports. Collection 2019-01-02 Github | Doom9
Oyster Oyster Oyster is an experimental implement of the Blocking Matching concept, designed specifically for compression artifacts removal. Handles ringing, staircase noise and blockiness Scripts 2017-02-10 Github | Doom9
SharpAAMCmod sharpaamcmod Avisynth's SharpAAMCmod.avsi port to Vapoursynth Anti-aliasing Website
mvsfunc import mvsfunc as mvf mawen1250's VapourSynth functions Collection 2021-11-04 Github | Doom9
muvsfunc import muvsfunc as muf Muonium's VapourSynth functions Collection 2022-02-12 Github
havsfunc import havsfunc as haf Holy's ported AviSynth functions for VapourSynth Collection 2022-02-06 Github | Doom9
adjust adjust This is a very basic port of the built-in Avisynth filter Tweak. Internally, it uses std.Lut and std.Expr to carry out the adjustments. Color/Levels 2021-10-06 Website | Github | Doom9
MCDenoise MCDenoise A temporal smoother Denoising Website | Doom9
Descale Script descale Undoes resizing (Wrapper for Descale plugin) Resizing and Format Conversion 2020-05-14 Github | Doom9
bakafunc bakafunc Collection Github | Doom9
CSMOD import CSMOD as cs CSMOD v0.2.5 ported from Contra-Sharpen mod 3.7 and Contra-Sharpen mod16 1.6 Sharpening Github
edi_rpow2 import edi_rpow2 as edi Enlarges images by powers of 2 Resizing and Format Conversion Website | Doom9
lostfunc import lostfunc as lof A collection of scripts mostly posted on doom9 forums. Collection 2018-10-04 Github
DFMDerainbow dfmderainbow DFMDerainbow is a derainbow function. DFMDerainbowMC performs motion compensation before calling DFMDerainbow. Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2022-02-05 Github
vsutils vsutils Some utilities to add some of the 'missing' functions that are in AVISynth but not Vapoursynth Collection Github
colorfade colorfade Vapoursynth script for bi-directional, linear blending of a frame over a specified range with a target color. Effects and Transitions 2018-07-25 Github
resamplehq resamplehq Gamma correct resizing in linear light (RGB) Resizing and Format Conversion 2021-01-11 Github
FineDehalo import finedehalo as fd Dehaloing Website | Doom9 | AvsWiki
FineSharp finesharp Sharpening Website | Doom9 | AvsWiki
Plum Plum Plum is a sharpening/blind deconvolution suite with certain advanced features like Non-Local error, Block Matching, etc.. Sharpening 2017-07-15 Github | Doom9
TemporalSoften temporalsoften2 temporalsoften2 is a sample which uses scenechange plugin together Denoising Website | Doom9
EDIResample EDIResample VaporSynth-Functions Resizing and Format Conversion Github
Dither Dither unknown Github
mvmulti mvmulti Wrapper functions for mvsf Scripts 2017-06-20 Github | Doom9
McDegrainSharp mcdegrainsharp Denoise with MDegrainX, do slight sharpening where motionmatch is good, do slight blurring where motionmatch is bad Denoising Website
MFunc MFunc unknown Github
WarpSharpSupport wss Script versions of support functions from WarpSharp Sharpening 2018-09-06 Github
xvs xvs Script collection Collection 2022-03-07 Github
RainbowSmooth RainbowSmooth RainbowSmooth is a script which adds edge detection to SmoothUV. It is a port of the Avisynth function rainbow_smooth(). Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2018-07-08 Github | Doom9
insaneAA insaneAA Use this script to fix ugly upscaled anime BDs. Anti-aliasing Github
nnedi3_resample import nnedi3_resample as nnrs Resizing and Format Conversion 2021-11-29 Github
kagefunc kagefunc Several (edge) masking functions, adaptive grain, hybrid denoise Collection 2021-10-29 Github
Retinex retinex The Retinex theory and algorithm mainly aims at simulating the color constancy feature of HVS(Human Visual System). Other 2014-11-08 Github
KNLMeansCL knlm KNLMeansCL is an optimized OpenCL implementation of the Non-local means de-noising algorithm. Denoising OpenCL 2018-01-29 Github
Fix-Telecined-Fades ftf The filter gives a mathematically perfect solution to such (fades were done AFTER telecine which made a picture perfect IVTC pretty much impossible) problem. Inverse Telecine 2017-01-28 Github
nnedi3 nnedi3 Neural network edge directed interpolation (3rd gen.), v11 Deinterlacing 2018-09-29 Github | AvsWiki
RemoveDirt rdvs RemoveDirt VapourSynth Port unknown Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
AddGrain grain Add some correlated color gaussian noise Effects and Transitions 2022-02-26 Github | Doom9
CTMF ctfm Constant Time Median Filtering Other 2017-06-02 Github | Doom9
DCTFilter dctf Block based DCT coefficient adjustment, optimized version Other 2017-12-23 Github
Deblock deblock It does a deblocking of the picture, using the deblocking filter of h264 Deblocking 2017-06-13 Github
DeblockPP7 pp7 Port of pp7 from MPlayer. Similar to spp=6 with 7 point DCT where only the center sample is used after IDCT. Deblocking 2018-04-29 Github | AvsWiki
DePan depan Tools for estimation and compensation of global motion (pan) unknown 2022-01-26 Github | AvsWiki
DFTTest dfttest 2D/3D frequency domain denoiser Denoising 2020-07-05 Github
DFTTest dfttest Dfttest - 2D/3D frequency domain denoiser Denoising 2017-12-21 Website
AutoCrop acrop VapourSynth Auto Crop Borders and Cropping 2017-04-19 Github | Doom9
EEDI2 eedi2 EEDI2 Deinterlacing 2017-03-04 Github | AvsWiki
EEDI3 eedi3m An intra-field only deinterlacer Deinterlacing OpenCL 2018-12-11 Github | AvsWiki
NNEDI3CL nnedi3cl An intra-field only deinterlacer Deinterlacing OpenCL 2019-10-01 Github
ReadMpls mpls Reads a mpls file and returns a dictionary Source/Output 2021-10-04 Github | Doom9
TCanny tcanny Build an edge map using canny edge detection Masking and Edge Detecting OpenCL 2022-01-15 Github | Doom9
TDeintMod tdm A bi-directionally motion adaptive deinterlacer Deinterlacing 2018-03-10 Github
VagueDenoiser vd A wavelet based denoiser Denoising 2015-06-09 Github | Doom9
VSFilterMod vsfm VSFilterMod Subtitles 2021-05-30 Website | Github
VSFilter vsf VSFilter Subtitles 2019-07-18 Github
W3FDIF w3fdif Weston 3 Field Deinterlacing Filter Deinterlacing 2016-06-22 Github
Waifu2x w2xc w2xc Image Super-Resolution using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Resizing and Format Conversion CUDA, OpenCL 2019-06-17 Github
Vinverse vinverse A simple filter to remove residual combing. Inverse Telecine Website | Github | AvsWiki
Yadifmod yadifmod Modification of Fizick's yadif avisynth filter Deinterlacing 2017-02-07 Github
Tonemap tonemap A filter for converting high dynamic range (HDR) video to standard dynamic range (SDR). Color/Levels 2018-08-10 Github
SangNom sangnom VapourSynth Single Field Deinterlacer Deinterlacing 2020-08-03 Website | Github
BezierCurve bezier Vapoursynth-BezierCurve is a plugin which allow you to adjust a clip by specifying a quadratic or a cubic bezier curve. Other 2019-12-22 Github
TColorMask tcm TColorMask plugin for VapourSynth. Masking and Edge Detecting 2018-08-03 Github | AvsWiki
DeDot dedot Dedot is a temporal cross color (rainbow) and cross luminance (dotcrawl) reduction filter. Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2018-08-04 Github | AvsWiki
TemporalMedian tmedian TemporalMedian is a temporal denoising filter. It replaces every pixel with the median of its temporal neighbourhood. This filter will introduce ghosting, so use with caution. Denoising 2018-07-25 Github
ContinuityFixer edgefixer Can help repair damaged borders of frames. edgefixer port Borders and Cropping 2015-04-05 Website | Github
aWarpSharp2 warp Sharpen images by warping Sharpening 2018-06-15 Github | AvsWiki
Bifrost bifrost Bifrost plugin for VapourSynth Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2014-05-16 Github | AvsWiki
Cnr2 cnr2 Chroma noise reducer Denoising 2016-07-02 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
damb damb Audio file reader and writer unknown 2015-02-06 Github | Doom9
DegrainMedian dgm Spatio-temporal limited median denoiser Denoising 2016-08-07 Github
FieldHint fh FieldHint Plugin unknown 2015-08-18 Github | AvsWiki
Morpho morpho Simple morphological filters. unknown Website | Github
FillBorders fb A simple filter that fills the borders of a clip, without changing the clip's dimensions. Borders and Cropping 2021-01-26 Github
FluxSmooth flux FluxSmooth plugin for VapourSynth Denoising 2016-08-20 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
Histogram hist VapourSynth Histogram Plugin Metrics and Analysis 2018-06-07 Github
MSmooth msmoosh MSmooth and MSharpen Denoising 2014-09-26 Github
MVTools-Float mvsf MVTools Single Precision Other 2017-06-20 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
MVTools mv MVTools v19 Other 2020-05-08 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
scrawl scrawl Simple text output plugin for VapourSynth unknown Github
Scxvid scxvid VapourSynth Scxvid Plugin Metrics and Analysis 2014-12-24 Github
SSIQ ssiq SSIQ plugin for VapourSynth Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2013-10-01 Github | AvsWiki
TComb tcomb Dotcrawl and rainbow remover Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2020-06-23 Github | AvsWiki
Subtext sub A subtitling filter based on libass and ffmpeg. Subtitles Website | Github
Videoscope vscope Videoscope plugin for VapourSynth unknown Github
minsrp minsrp VapourSynth MinSRP Filter unknown Github
D2V Source d2v D2V Source Source/Output 2019-08-18 Github | Doom9
SVPflow svp1 SVPFlow1 Frame Rate Conversion Website | Doom9
SVPflow svp2 SVPFlow2 Frame Rate Conversion Website | Doom9
surfaceblur surfaceblur surface blur unknown Github
AVISource avisource VapourSynth AVISource Port Source/Output Website | Github
Avisynth avs VapourSynth Avisynth Compatibility unknown Website | Github
BM3D bm3d Implementation of BM3D denoising filter for VapourSynth. Denoising 2019-01-03 Github | Doom9
eedi3 eedi3 EEDI3 Deinterlacing Website | Github | AvsWiki
VFRToCFR vfrtocfr VFR to CFR Video Converter Frame Rate Conversion 2017-07-04 Github
DotKill dotkill VapourSynth DotKill Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2020-08-18 Github | Doom9
FFMS2000 ffms2 FFmpegSource 2 for VapourSynth Source/Output 2020-08-22 Website | Github
TemporalSoften focus VapourSynth Pixel Restoration Filters Denoising Website | Github
TemporalSoften focus VapourSynth TemporalSoften Filter Denoising Website | Github
hqdn3d hqdn3d HQDn3D port as used in avisynth/mplayer Denoising 2018-08-08 Github | AvsWiki
ImageMagick imwri VapourSynth ImageMagick 7 HDRI Writer/Reader Source/Output 2021-09-25 Website | Github | Doom9
Miscellaneous Filters misc Miscellaneous filters Collection Website | Github
RemoveGrain Single Precision rgsf RemoveGrain Single Precision Denoising 2016-01-25 Github | AvsWiki
RemoveGrain rgvs RemoveGrain VapourSynth Port Denoising Website | Github | AvsWiki
Resize resize VapourSynth Resize Resizing and Format Conversion Github
std std VapourSynth Core Functions Collection Website | Github
TemporalSoften2 focus2 VapourSynth TemporalSoften Filter v0.1.1 Denoising 2018-07-03 Github
Text text VapourSynth Text unknown Website | Github
BilateralGPU bilateralgpu Bilateral filter for VapourSynth based on the OpenCV-CUDA library. Denoising OpenCV-CUDA 2021-12-25 Github
dpid dpid Rapid, Detail-Preserving Image Downscaling Resizing and Format Conversion 2022-01-21 Github | Doom9
GradCurve grad Adjustment of contrast, brightness, gamma and a wide range of color manipulations through gradation curves is possible. Color/Levels Github | Doom9
xy-VSFilter xyvsf xy-VSFilter Subtitles 2019-07-18 Github
timecube timecube TimeCube 4D Color/Levels 2022-01-28 Github
TempLinearApproximate tla VapourSynth Temporal Linear Approximation plugin Denoising Website | Doom9
dct dct DCT filtering plugin rev10-b311e2e unknown Website | Doom9
fmtconv fmtc Format converter, r20 Resizing and Format Conversion 2021-11-20 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
DeLogo delogo VapourSynth Delogo Filter v005a.0.4 Other 2015-12-23 Github | Doom9
IT it VapourSynth IVTC Filter v0103.1.1 Inverse Telecine 2014-10-15 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
vsrawsource raws Raw-format file Reader for VapourSynth 0.3.5 Source/Output 2019-11-04 Website | Github | Doom9
vctrans trans VapourSynth transition plugin Effects and Transitions 2015-09-10 Website | Doom9
vcfreq vcfreq VapourSynth Frequency Domain Filters Denoising 2016-05-12 Website | Doom9
vcmod vcmod VapourSynth Pixel Amplitude modification Other 2020-08-23 Website | Doom9
vcmove vcmove VapourSynth pixel repositioning Plugin Effects and Transitions 2016-04-10 Website | Doom9
Bilateral bilateral Bilateral filter and Gaussian filter for VapourSynth. Denoising 2014-11-08 Github
QRCodeSource qr QR code filter Source/Output 2016-07-15 Github
f3kdb f3kdb flash3kyuu_deband Debanding Github | Doom9
NoiseGen noisegen NoiseGen - VapouSynth Noise Generator. Use uniform/normal distribution to generate random number as noise Effects and Transitions 2018-10-23 Website
CMedian cmedian Implements the Constant Time Median Filter algorithm: https://nomis80.org/ctmf.html Other Website
VIVTC vivtc VFM Inverse Telecine Website | Github
DGMVCSource DGMVC DGMVCSource for VapourSynth Source/Output 2016-12-05 Github
scenechange detection scd Scene change detect filter for VapourSynth v0.2.0 unknown Website
FFT3DFilter fft3dfilter FFT3DFilter Denoising 2021-09-11 Github | Doom9
L-SMASH-Works lsmas LSMASHSource for VapourSynth Source/Output 2021-11-29 Github
TNLMeans tnlm TNLMeans is an implementation of the Non-local means denoising denoising algorithm. It also supports extension into 3D and a faster, block based approach. Denoising 2015-02-25 Github | AvsWiki
DGHDRtoSDR dghdrtosdr Convert HDR to SDR Color/Levels CUDA 2021-11-20 Website
Descale descale Undo linear interpolation. Usage of the bundled descale py-script is strongly adviced. Resizing and Format Conversion 2021-09-30 Github | Doom9
Descale descale_getnative Undo linear interpolation. Mod for getnative Resizing and Format Conversion Github
Avisynth 32-bit proxy avsw avsproxy Other 2021-08-29 Github | Doom9
znedi3 znedi3 Neural network edge directed interpolation (3rd gen.) Deinterlacing 2021-09-22 Github
ColorBars colorbars SMPTE RP 219-2:2016 and ITU-BT.2111 color bar generator for VapourSynth Source/Output 2022-03-04 Github
mxDnCNN mx A MXNet implement of the paper "Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising" Denoising cuDNN Github
MXNet mx Use MXNet to accelerated Image-Processing in VapourSynth. unknown CUDA Github
CombMask comb comb filters v0.0.1 Masking and Edge Detecting Github
TTempSmooth ttmpsm A basic, motion adaptive, temporal smoothing filter Denoising 2021-10-10 Github | AvsWiki
DeCross decross Spatio-temporal derainbow filter Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2018-06-13 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
MotionMask motionmask MotionMask creates a mask of moving pixels Masking and Edge Detecting 2018-06-20 Github | Doom9
MiniDeen minideen MiniDeen is a spatial denoising filter. It replaces every pixel with the average of its neighbourhood. This is a port of the 'a2d' method from the Avisynth plugin Deen, version beta 2. Denoising 2021-03-27 Github | Doom9
SmoothUV smoothuv SmoothUV is a spatial derainbow filter Dot Crawl and Rainbows 2018-07-08 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
tc2cfr tc2cfr timecode to cfr convert Frame Rate Conversion Github
Waifu2x w2xc caffe caffe Image Super-Resolution using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Based on waifu2x-caffe. Resizing and Format Conversion Cuda, cuDNN Github | Doom9
Hysteria hysteria Hysteria, a line darkening script by Scintilla Line Darkening Github | AvsWiki
RemoveLogo rmlogo Remove a TV logo based on a mask image. unknown Github
VMAF vmaf VMAF (Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion) is a perceptual video quality assessment algorithm developed by Netflix. Can also calculate PSNR, SSIM and MS-SSIM. Metrics and Analysis 2021-10-30 Github | Doom9
TMaskCleaner tmc A really simple mask cleaning plugin for VapourSynth based on mt_hysteresis. Masking and Edge Detecting 2017-11-05 Github
EdgeFixer edgefixer EdgeFixer repairs bright and dark line artifacts near the border of an image. Borders and Cropping 2020-08-22 Github
DGDecNV dgdecodenv DGDecNV is a decoder/frameserver for AVC, HEVC, MPEG2, and VC1 streams that runs on the GPU of Nvidia graphics cards that support CUDA video decoding. Collection CUDA Website
Curve curve Apply color adjustments using curves similar to Adobe Photoshop and GIMP curves tools. Color/Levels 2019-08-14 Github | Doom9
Butteraugli Butteraugli Based on Google's butteraugli. Returns a clip containing differences between two input clips, and stores diffvalue in the frame properties named "_Diff". Metrics and Analysis Github
FFTSpectrum fftspectrum A VapourSynth filter that displays the FFT frequency spectrum of a given clip. Supposedly useful for determining original resolution of upscaled anime content. Metrics and Analysis 2019-01-30 Github
dhh dhh DeHaloHmod mask Masking and Edge Detecting Website
TEdgeMask tedgemask TEdgeMask is an edge detection filter. This is a port of the TEdgeMask/TEMmod Avisynth plugins. Masking and Edge Detecting 2019-03-13 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
xaa xaa xaa is a many-in-one antialiasing function for VapourSynth. Anti-aliasing 2019-10-23 Github | Doom9
Median median unknown 2019-05-10 Github | AvsWiki
ISPC-Project ispc Implementation of algorithms for VapourSynth in ISPC (Intel SPMD Program Compiler). Collection Github
TCPClip TCPClip Python class for distributed video processing and encoding Other Github
lvsfunc import lvsfunc as lvf Light's VapourSynth Functions Collection 2022-02-23 Website | Github | Doom9
vsutil vsutil A collection of general purpose Vapoursynth functions to be reused in modules and scripts Collection 2020-07-15 Website | Github
faggotDeband faggotdb AlucardSama04's VapourSynth Function That Helps You With Debanding Debanding 2021-09-24 Github
Color Layout Descriptor cld Hacky and mostly untested implementation of the MPEG-7 Color Layout Descriptor for VapourSynth. Supposedly useful for similarity checks of images. Color/Levels Github
DeLogoHD delogohd DelogoHD is an overhaul of the original delogo filter Other 2021-09-20 Github | Doom9
xy-VSFilter xyvsf xy-VSFilter with VapourSynth interface added, based on the source of pinterf's fork Subtitles 2019-07-18 Github | Doom9
EWA Resampling ewa Naive and unusably slow implementation of EWA Lanczos for VS. Even nnedi runs faster, so there should never by any point in using this, especially considering how small (basically unnoticeable) the quality difference to regular Lanczos is. Resizing and Format Conversion Github
Warpsharp warpsf Warpsharp floating point version Other 2019-08-24 Github | Doom9
MatchHistogram matchhist MatchHistogram modifies one clip's histogram to match the histogram of another clip. Will produce weird results if frame contents are dissimilar. Color/Levels 2019-09-07 Github
Neo f3kdb neo_f3kdb Basically like f3kdb but with legacy format support removed (in Avisynth) and with new sample modes. Debanding 2021-07-05 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
atomchtools atomchtools Collection of VapourSynth function by DJATOM. Collection 2021-05-26 Github
TBilateral tbilateral Bilateral spatial denoising filter Denoising 2021-03-27 Github
vsbookmark vsbookmark VSEdit Bookmark generator Metrics and Analysis Website
vscompare import vscompare as vscomp Clip comparison script. Creates easy frame comparisons between multiple clips. Metrics and Analysis Website
acsuite import acsuite as acs Replacement for AzraelNewtype's audiocutter.py Allows for trimming/splicing audio with VS syntax, within a VS scripting environment. Other Github
Waifu2x NCNN Vulkan w2xnvk Waifu2x filter based on waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan Resizing and Format Conversion Vulkan 2021-06-11 Github
JincResize jinc Jinc (EWA Lanczos) resampling plugin Resizing and Format Conversion 2020-06-20 Github | Doom9
Draw draw A simple alternative to MaskTools2's mt_lutspa. Other 2020-02-22 Github
Tweak tweak A filter for luma and chroma adjustment Color/Levels Github
AreaResize area AreaResize is an area average downscale resizer plugin. Downscaling in 8-16 bit RGB is also gamma corrected. Resizing and Format Conversion 2021-05-06 Github
Color-Tools color Plots the 1931 chromaticity diagram, highlighting the specified gamut (or nothing if not supplied). Color/Levels Github
Bwdif bwdif Motion adaptive deinterlacing based on yadif with the use of w3fdif and cubic interpolation algorithms. Deinterlacing 2021-09-26 Github | Doom9
Neo FFT3D neo_fft3d 3D frequency domain denoiser/sharpener. Forked from fft3dfilter. Denoising 2021-08-17 Github | Doom9
Neo Temporal Median neo_tmedian Neo Temporal Median is a temporal denoising filter. It replaces every pixel with the median of its temporal neighbourhood. Denoising 2021-09-27 Github
Neo DFTTest neo_dfttest Denoising 2020-04-16 Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
vs-placebo placebo libplacebo-based debanding, scaling and color mapping plugin for VapourSynth Collection 2022-02-08 Github
Neo Vague Denoiser neo_vd A wavelet based denoiser. Denoising 2020-06-22 Website | Github | Doom9
Neo MiniDeen neo_minideen MiniDeen is a spatial denoising filter. It replaces every pixel with the average of its neighbourhood. Denoising 2021-09-27 Website | Github | Doom9 | AvsWiki
NRDB NRDB NRDB is a debanding function. It removes the noise in the input clip, debands, and adds the noise back. This is a port of the Avisynth function of the same name. Debanding Github
ASharp asharp Adaptive sharpening filter Sharpening 2020-05-02 Github | AvsWiki
LimitedSharpen2 LimitedSharpen2 LimitedSharpen2 is a multipurpose sharpening function Sharpening Github
vs-average average Averages multiple clips together. The general idea is to be able to take multiple sources of the same video, and average them together, to negate effects of lossy compression. Can also be effective for temporal blurring. Other 2021-08-10 Github
Anime4KCPP anime4kcpp Implementation of Anime4K upscaler in C++ Resizing and Format Conversion OpenCL 2021-01-19 Github
WWXD wwxd WWXD is basically Xvid's frame type decision code stuffed into a VapourSynth plugin. Metrics and Analysis Github
zzfunc zzfunc A small collection of Vapoursynth scripts of varying usefulness Collection Github