Welcome to vsdb.top - All your VapourSynth Plugins in one place! beta version
Most of them are also available via the VSRepo plugin manager. For more details visit vsrepo - doom9 and Github.
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Name | type | Namespace | Description | GPU | Published | Links | ||
(100) | ||||||||
aaf | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | aaf is one of the many aaa() modifications. The difference to aaa() is the repair postprocessing that allows also smaller sampling values without producing artefacts. | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
abcxyz | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Avisynth's abcxyz(). Reduces halo artifacts that can occur when sharpening. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
adaptive_grain | PyScript | kagefunc | Generates grain based on frame and pixel brightness. Details can be found here: https://kageru.moe/blog/article/adaptivegrain/ | 2021-10-29 | Github | |||
AddBorders | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
AddBordersMod | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | VapourSynth port of AddBordersMod. Replacement for BlackBorders from sgvsfunc. | Website | Github | ||||
AnimeMask | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Generates edge/ringing mask for anime based on gradient operator. For Anime's ringing mask, it's recommended to set 'shift' between 0.5 to 1.0. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
AnimeMask2 | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Yet another filter to generate edge/ringing mask for anime. More specifically, it's an approximate Difference of Gaussians filter based on resampling kernel. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
ApplyCredits | PyScript | atomchtools | 2021-05-26 | Github | ||||
ApplyF3kdbGrain | PyScript | atomchtools | 2021-05-26 | Github | ||||
ApplyImageMask | PyScript | atomchtools | Applies custom (hand-drawn) image as static mask for two clips. | 2021-05-26 | Github | |||
ApplyMaskOnLuma | PyScript | atomchtools | 2021-05-26 | Github | ||||
arop | PyScript | zvs | arbitrary crop, result resolution must be compatible with src clip subsampling tho | Github | ||||
AssumeBFF | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Set all the frames in the given clip to be bottom-field-first(interlaced). This frame property will override the field order set in those de-interlace filters. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
AssumeCombed | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Set all the frames in the given clip to be combed or not. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
AssumeField | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Set all the frames in the given clip to be field-based(derived from interlaced frame). | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
AssumeFPS | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
AssumeFrame | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Set all the frames in the given clip to be frame-based(progressive). It can be used to prevent the field order set in de-interlace filters from being overridden by the frame property '_FieldBased'. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
AssumeTFF | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Set all the frames in the given clip to be top-field-first(interlaced). This frame property will override the field order set in those de-interlace filters. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
AutoDeblock | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | The purpose of this script is to automatically remove MPEG2 artifacts. | 2021-08-03 | Github | |||
autogma | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | Just a simple function to help identify banding. | Website | Github | ||||
AverageFrames | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
AverageFrames | VSPlugin | misc | Website | Github | |||||
Avg | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | Take 2 clips and return pixel-wise average of them. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
avg_decimate | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Averaging-based decimation filter, which averages duplicates frames before drops one in every cycle frames. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
AvsPrewitt | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | Avisynth version of "Prewitt" | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
Baa | PyScript | bakafunc | Github | Doom9 | |||||
BalanceBorders | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Avisynth's BalanceBorders() Version: v0.2, Author: PL (https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8fm6om7hm1dz0b/BalanceBorders.avs) | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
bbmod | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | bbmod = BalanceBordersMod. | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
bbmod | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | Narkyy's bbmod helper for a significant speedup from cropping unnecessary pixels before processing. | Website | Github | ||||
bbmoda | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | From sgvsfunc. I'm not updating the doc strings, here, read bbmod instead. | Website | Github | ||||
bicubic_c | PyScript | zzfunc | Auto-calculate the c value for bicubic based on your "b" value. | Github | ||||
Binarize | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
Binarize | VSPlugin | ispc | Github | |||||
BlackBorders | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | Website | Github | |||||
blah | PyScript | G41Fun | Defaults are intended for strong sharpening on 2x upscaled material. | 2019-01-02 | Github | Doom9 | |||
BlankClip | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
BlindDeHalo3 | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | This script removes the light & dark halos from too strong 'Edge Enhancement'. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
Blur | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Avisynth's internel filter Blur(). Simple 3x3-kernel blurring filter. In fact Blur(n) is just an alias for Sharpen(-n). | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
BM3D | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | A wrap function for BM3D/V-BM3D denoising filter. | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
BMAFilter | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Edge-aware BMA filter is a family of edge-aware filters proposed based on optimal parameter estimation and Bayesian model averaging (BMA). | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
Bob | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
BoxBlur | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
BoxFilter | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Performs a box filtering on the input clip. Box filtering consists in averaging all the pixels in a square area whose center is the output pixel. You can approximate a large gaussian filtering by cascading a few box filters. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
Cache | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
Cdeblend | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | A simple blend replacing function like unblend or removeblend. Ported from Cdeblend v1.1b (http://avisynth.nl/images/Cdeblend.avs) | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
ChangeFPS | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
CheckMatrix | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | *EXPERIMENTAL* Check whether the input YUV clip matches specific color matrix | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
Clamp | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
ClipToProp | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
Colorbars | PyScript | vsutils | Github | |||||
ColorBarsHD | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Avisynth's ColorBarsHD(). It produces a video clip containing SMPTE color bars (Rec. ITU-R BT.709 / arib std b28 v1.0) scaled to any image size. By default, a 1288×720, YV24, TV range, 29.97 fps, 1 frame clip is produced. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
Compare | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Visualizes the difference between the source clip and filtered clip | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
compare | PyScript | import lvsfunc as lvf | Compare two clips by putting them side-by-side in a list | 2022-02-23 | Website | Github | Doom9 | |||
Compare2 | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Compares the formats of two clips. | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
conditional_descale | PyScript | import lvsfunc as lvf | Descales and reupscales a clip. If the difference exceeds the threshold, the frame will not be descaled. If it does not exceed the threshold, the frame will upscaled using either nnedi3_rpow2 or waifu2x-caffe. Useful for BDs that have additional post-processing done on some scenes, but not all of them. | 2022-02-23 | Website | Github | Doom9 | |||
conditional_resize | PyScript | kagefunc | Fix oversharpened upscales by comparing a regular downscale with a blurry bicubic kernel downscale. Similar to the avisynth function. thr is lower in vapoursynth because it's normalized (between 0 and 1) | 2021-10-29 | Github | |||
ContraSharpening | PyScript | G41Fun | contra-sharpening: sharpen the denoised clip, but don't add more to any pixel than what was removed previously. script function from Didée, at the VERY GRAINY thread (http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1076491) | 2019-01-02 | Github | Doom9 | |||
ContraSharpening | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | Contra-sharpening: sharpen the denoised clip, but don't add more to any pixel than what was removed previously. script function from Didée, at the VERY GRAINY thread (http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1076491#post1076491) | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
Convolution | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
CopyColors | PyScript | atomchtools | 2021-05-26 | Github | ||||
creditmask | PyScript | xvs | use non-credit clip to create mask for credit area. 255(8bit) means credit. Output will be 16bit | 2022-03-07 | Github | |||
Crop | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
CropAbs | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
CropRel | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
CropResize | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | Originally from sgvsfunc. Added chroma filling option and preset parameter. This function is a wrapper around cropping and resizing with the option to fill and remove columns/rows. | Website | Github | ||||
CropResizeReader | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | CropResizeReader, cropResize for variable borders by loading crop values from a csv file Also fill small borders and fix brightness/apply bbmod relatively to the variable border | Website | Github | ||||
crossfade | PyScript | kagefunc | Crossfade clipa into clipb. Duration is the length of the blending zone. For example, crossfade(a, b, 100) will fade the last 100 frames of a into b. | 2021-10-29 | Github | |||
daa | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | Anti-aliasing with contra-sharpening by Didée | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
daa3mod | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
daamod | PyScript | G41Fun | Anti-aliasing with contra-sharpening by Didée, modded by GMJCZP | 2019-01-02 | Github | Doom9 | |||
Deband | VSPlugin | placebo | 2022-02-08 | Github | ||||
DebandReader | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | DebandReader, read a csv file to apply a f3kdb filter for given strengths and frames. From sgvsfunc. | Website | Github | ||||
Debicubic | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
Debilinear | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
deblend | PyScript | import lvsfunc as lvf | A simple function to fix deblending for interlaced video with an AABBA blending pattern, where A is a normal frame and B is a blended frame. Assuming there's a constant pattern of frames (labeled A, B, C, CD, and DA in this function), blending can be fixed by calculating the C frame by getting halves of CD and DA, and using that to fix up CD. DA can then be dropped due to it being an interlaced frame. | 2022-02-23 | Website | Github | Doom9 | |||
Deblock_QED | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | Designed to provide 8x8 deblocking sensitive to the amount of blocking in the source, compared to other deblockers which apply a uniform deblocking across every frame. | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | |||
dec_txt60mc | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
dec_txt60mc | PyScript | bakafunc | ivtc_txt60mc is for 60i+24t (telecined) and dec_txt60mc is for 60i+24d(30fps 24p with dupes) | Github | Doom9 | ||||
DeFilter | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Zero-order reverse filter (arXiv:1704.04037) | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
Deflate | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
DeHalo_alpha | PyScript | import havsfunc as haf | 2022-02-06 | Github | Doom9 | ||||
dehalo_mask | PyScript | jvsfunc | Based on muvsfunc.YAHRmask(), stand-alone version with some tweaks. | Github | ||||
Delanczos | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
DeleteFrames | VSPlugin | std | Website | Github | |||||
DelFrameProp | PyScript | import awsmfunc as awf | DelFrameProp, delete primaries, matrix or transfer frame properties. From sgvsfunc. Avoids "Unrecognized transfer characteristics" or "unrecognized color primaries" associated with Vapoursynth Editor. | Website | Github | ||||
Depth | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
Depth | PyScript | import mvsfunc as mvf | it depth conversion with dithering (if needed). It's a wrapper for fmtc.bitdepth and zDepth(core.resize/zimg). | 2021-11-04 | Github | Doom9 | |||
depth | PyScript | vsutil | A bit depth converter only using core.resize. Supports all constant-format clips. | 2020-07-15 | Website | Github | |||
Descale | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
DescaleAA | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | Downscale only lineart with an inverted kernel and interpolate it back to its original resolution with NNEDI3. | 2021-08-03 | Github | |||
DescaleM | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | DebilinearM is a wrapper function for the Debilinear and Debicubic plugins that masks parts of the frame that aren't upscaled, such as text overlays, and uses a regular resize kernel to downscale those areas. | 2021-08-03 | Github | |||
Despline16 | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
Despline36 | PyScript | import fvsfunc as fvf | 2021-08-03 | Github | ||||
DeSpot | PyScript | import lostfunc as lof | Spot removal script by Didée http://forum.doom9.net/showthread.php?p=1402690#post1402690. In my experience this filter works very good as a prefilter for SMDegrain(). Filtering only luma seems to help to avoid ghost artefacts. | 2018-10-04 | Github | |||
DetailSharpen | PyScript | G41Fun | Sharpening that causes no haloing, without any edge masking | 2019-01-02 | Github | Doom9 | |||
dfttestMC | PyScript | import muvsfunc as muf | Avisynth's dfttestMC. Motion-compensated dfttest | 2022-02-12 | Github | |||
DGBob | VSPlugin | dgdecodenv | DGBob() is a fast stand-alone CUDA filter that implements the YADIF deinterlacing algorithm (original concept by Michael Niedermayer). | CUDA | Website | |||
DGDecimate | VSPlugin | dgdecodenv | DGDecimate() is a fast stand-alone CUDA filter that implements N-in-M frame decimation. The input clip must be in the YV12 format. | CUDA | Website | |||
DGDenoise | VSPlugin | dgdecodenv | DGDenoise() is a fast stand-alone CUDA filter that implements NLM denoising. | CUDA | Website | |||
DGSharpen | VSPlugin | dgdecodenv | DGSharpen() is a fast stand-alone CUDA filter that implements limited sharpening like the well-known filter LimitedSharpenFaster(). | CUDA | Website |